
Why can't I lose weight in the twentieth century

Groundbreaking new weight loss product changes the face of dieting Why can't I lose weight? ...check this out!! Denver, Colorado, USA - October, 1st 2019 People who struggle to lose weight now have an easier, scientifically-proven option for breaking the weight gain cycle and shedding unwanted pounds: Leptitox. Sonya Rhodes just announced the release of a brand-new weight loss product. It is set for worldwide distribution as of October 2019 and is looking to change the dieting industry. Based on science-backed research on the underestimated and previously shrouded subject of leptin resistance , the all-natural supplements feature powerful herbs, select vitamins and amino acids to arm the body with the ability to fight and reverse leptin resistance—the cause of weight gain and obesity. “Before we understood the role of leptin resistance in obesity and the inability to lose weight we had no other choice but to attack body fat in all the wrong ways,” says Sonya Rhodes, co-f...

What Is Leptin Resistance?

Before we saw the world as a globe spinning in the vast expanse of space we once believed it was flat and the sun revolved around us. Before we knew the dangers of mercury—as a neurotoxin and overall health no-no—it was once considered the go-to treatment for a host of medical conditions, for everything from syphilis to parasites. Before we had modern health-conscious cosmetics women would adorn themselves with lead-filled face paint and wash their skin with ammonia. They would slowly poison themselves but were convinced it was essential for true beauty. The knowledge we have gained over the years has not come without a fair share of innocent misunderstandings, but thankfully, as we know more we are able to make more informed choices based on actual science, on truth, on what works. It is crucial we build our actions on a foundation of truth. Our beliefs about weight loss have centered around constantly shifting paradigms. Throughout the decades we have blamed various t...

Why Do We Crave Sugary Food?

5 Second "Water-Hack" KILLS food cravings For many of us, the sight of a freshly glazed doughnut can feel like falling in love and coming home to a pack of unopened cookies can feel like the adult version of Christmas morning. There’s something about sugar that hooks us and keeps reeling us in again and again. Whether we like it or not sugar has a major hold on us. If you’re reading this it’s highly likely you understand and have the first-hand experience, of this allure. Sugar isn’t just confectionery, it’s a compulsion; there is no such thing as stopping after “just one.” I mean, if one is good, more is better. At least that’s what it feels like with the sweet stuff. We are given many reasons for our sugar cravings: pleasure-seeking brain circuits, intestinal parasites, mineral deficiencies, malnutrition, habitual behavior, unbalanced diets, too much salt, buried emotional issues, lack of sleep, stress.... and my favorite, lack of discipline. We are not at a l...